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Interested in becoming the next Fair Queen?

Here is the criteria that you need:

• Be a female who is a U.S. Citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania


• Be at least 16 but no older than 20 years of age as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest


• Not hold any other title for any other commodity group or pageant


• Be single, have never been married, have not be pregnant nor given birth to a child


• Have the knowledge and understanding of agriculture (i.e. raising animals, vegetables, etc.) or come from an agricultural background


If you meet all these things and are interested in being the next fair queen make sure you click on the Fair Queen Application below to fill out the proper paperwork to enter.

Junior Princess & Little Miss Competition 

The goal of the program is to give young ladies the opportunity to represent their fair and agriculture while assisting the Derry Township Agricultural Fair Queen and her court. The Junior Princess and Little Miss will help the Queen and court at events during the week of the fair, and have the opportunity to attend some events throughout the year with the Queen and her court. 


Junior Princess: Ages 11-13 

Little Miss: Ages 7-10 

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